When writing a try and catch block in TypeScript within Visual Studio Code, it’s common to encounter the error message “‘error’ is of type ‘unknown’” within the catch block.
The image above showcases a basic example. When you hover over the word “error,” indicated by the red underline, a tooltip message appears
“‘error’ is of type ‘unknown’.ts(18046) var error: unknown”.
Solution Attempt
Simply assigning the type “Error” to the parameter “error” doesn’t resolve the issue.
it gives another error message when hovering over the word “Error”, which is underlined in red:
‘Catch clause variable type annotation must be ‘any’ or ‘unknown’ if specified.ts(1196) interface Error’.
Add an if statement to check if error is an instance of Error.
const divide = (dividend: number, divider: number) => {
if (divider === 0) {
throw new Error('Divider must not be zero!')
return dividend / divider
try {
divide(5, 0)
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
JavaScriptIt resolves the editor’s complaint! Hurray!